Southfield Park Primary School

Long Grove Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8TF

01372 743 104

ELSA - Groups Run by ELSA


  • Time to Talk - the three Time to Talk groups use Ginger the Bear to develop social skills in younger children.
  • Games Galore - is a lunchtime games club for children who are identified by their class teacher. It focuses on children who need practise with social skills or who find playtime interactions difficult.
  • Social Stories - a group exploring stories that help a child with specific issues.
  • Friendship Groups - an an opportunity to explore what makes a good friend and how to solve a variety of friendship problems.
  • Year 6 Transition Group - a group meeting in the final half term of the school year. Children have the opportunity to prepare for the transition to secondary school through discussion and a variety of activities. At the end of the sessions, each child has a resource book to take away with them.
  • Drop in sessions - There are a couple of sessions available for children who don’t need a formal referral, but would benefit from having the time to talk about their feelings and worries.