Curriculum Intent
At Southfield Park, the Geography curriculum supports children to develop a curiosity about the world and its people. They will understand the differences and similarities between places, the people who live there, the resources they have and the natural and human features of different environments.
Our curriculum is organised into three skills strands: geographical enquiry, field work and mapping skills, and locational understanding. The key skills and knowledge are mapped across year groups, building sequentially, and then into thematic study, so children can make links in their learning, recalling and applying their skills and knowledge in a range of contexts. In following our Geography Curriculum, children will be prepared for key end points, with a strong understanding key physical and human processes.
Through Geography children will learn to collect, analyse, present and communicate data they have gathered. Fieldwork and mapping skills will be developed sequentially across the school through topics. Local fieldwork opportunities are exploited to develop children’s sense of place and where their locality fits in with the wider world, as well as providing a meaningful vehicle for the collection of data. The promotion of oracy skills is facilitated through the identification of key geographical vocabulary which builds progressively. As a school that is committed to environmental sustainability, we integrate these themes into our topics where they are relevant and made this a key focus in Year 3. Children are encouraged to protect their local environment, for example through recycling initiatives and in making the school grounds look attractive.