Science: Intent
At Southfield Park, the Science curriculum supports children to develop an understanding of the world, and to be inquisitive and curious. It helps them understand and explain how things work, predict what might happen and analyse causes.
We know that children need a strong bank of scientific knowledge and vocabulary that underpin the specific scientific disciplines to allow them to talk about their learning and aim to provide this alongside the ability to work scientifically. To inspire them, children need exciting, practical and hands-on experiences which allow them to develop the skills scientists need: being able to ask questions, observe changes, make links, present links and draw conclusions. Skills, knowledge and key vocabulary are developed sequentially, building on prior learning towards targeted end points.
Scientific knowledge and thinking is highly valued at Southfield Park. It is recognised that scientific learning ‘surrounds us’ and opportunities to make scientific links are exploited formally and informally, and across subjects. We work closely with different local organisations to allow children to understand the application of Science in the workplace.
Additional opportunities to supplement and enrich the children’s learning are scheduled throughout the year, with the annual Science Week culminating in a Science Fair, to which all classes contribute and where every child takes part. Close links with our local Secondary Schools are exploited to access specialist teaching and resources.