Southfield Park Primary School

Long Grove Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8TF

01372 743 104


On behalf of the staff, governors and school community, it is my privilege to welcome you to Southfield Park Primary School.

We are a very happy school where our parents, staff and governors work together to provide a caring and supportive environment where every child can SHINE.

As a staff team, we have high expectations of success for our children, not just in their academic life but in their personal and social development as well. We want our pupils to learn, achieve and excel. The quality and dedication of our staff team is an essential factor in the excellent standards maintained. We focus upon building self-esteem and confidence so that all our children become successful learners.

Our mission statement promises that if children are SUCCESSFUL in their learning, are HAPPY, INSPIRED and are NURTURED they will EXCEL. We support our children to value diversity and difference; to make good moral choices and to become active members of the community.

We foster our core values through a carefully planned, well-resourced, inspirational curriculum. We also provide curriculum enrichment through music, sport and drama and many extracurricular opportunities beyond the classroom. We strive to develop our children into lifelong learners, who value learning and trying something new.

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions parents will ever make. I hope our website will give you a flavour of our school and its achievements. Visits are warmly welcomed and encouraged. I would be happy to show you around on one of our regular parent tours. Please see the Admissions page for details of these.

If, as a parent of a pupil attending this school, you would like a paper copy of the information on this website (free of charge), please contact the school office. 

If there are any questions or you require any further information please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

I hope to get to know you and your children when you join our school and look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Sally Smith


Admissions to Reception in September 2025: Click here to find out about our open mornings or click on the Parents tab, and then Admissions