Southfield Park Primary School

Long Grove Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8TF

01372 743 104

Religious Education Curriculum Intent

At Southfield Park, our Religious Education curriculum is designed to give children the opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs (including non-religious world views, such as Humanism) of those around them. In this way, they develop an understanding of different beliefs so that they can be tolerant and respectful members of society. Children have the opportunity to consider provoking and challenging questions about meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

Children learn how to voice their own opinions, beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, in a safe environment, whilst respecting that others might have different opinions. In this way, children will develop their own sense of identify and belonging to participate in communities as citizens.  Our curriculum aims to develop self-awareness, respect for all, open-mindedness and appreciation and wonder about the world we live in. 

In following the Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, we ensure that children develop the knowledge and understanding of the main world faiths and non-religious viewpoints.  This is enriched by links with local faith groups, visits to a range of places of worship, the celebration of festivals and an annual Faith Week so that children can understand the beliefs held by real communities locally and globally. Additionally, we respond to local and world events to encourage children to be curious and question the world around them.

We expect all pupils to experience the full breadth of our curriculum, but should parents or carers wish to exercise the right of withdrawal for all or part of RE, they should consult with Miss Clogg (Head Teacher).

Assemblies are part of each pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  They are an important part of our school life and community at Southfield Park, so pupils of all ages attend and participate in these regularly. Our assemblies cover a range of religious and world topics including educating children on current affairs, religious celebrations and events, British values, Black History and environmental issues.