PE Curriculum Intent
At Southfield Park, the PE curriculum is designed to provide all children with opportunities to enjoy physical activity and recognise its impact on their fitness, health and wellbeing, encouraging them to lead active and safe lives. Children have opportunities to learn key skills progressively in a wide range of different sporting and physical activities so they can discover activities that they enjoy and build on their skills to improve their performance. The range of sports and physical activities is broad and balanced covering: gymnastics, dance, games, swimming and outdoor activities. PE is part of our programme to develop health and fitness by providing opportunities for physical exertion and the building of stamina
PE is recognised as a vehicle for developing children’s understanding of fairness and respect. It is important that alongside this, children learn the value of teamwork as well as personal resilience and self-motivation, and have opportunities to show their leadership potential, formally as Sports’ Leaders and informally activities and events. This will allow them to build self-confidence, communication skills and the ability to describe and evaluate their own and a team’s performance, using the appropriate vocabulary
Outside of our core curriculum offer for PE, physical activity is highly valued with a strong profile across the school. Regular opportunities for competitive sport, participation in events and festivals celebrating physical activity and high quality coaching by professional coaches in key areas. Residential trips provide real and meaningful environments in which children can experience challenging, outdoor adventurous activities.