Highly Able
At Southfield Park Primary School we are committed to meeting the needs of all pupils to ensure that they make the best possible progress and to do this we provide Quality First Teaching that is carefully differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils, including those that are highly able.
We recognise that some children learn at a faster pace, making links in their learning more easily than their peers, and will thus be achieving well above the expectations for their age range. Our Quality First Teaching is planned, differentiated and carefully structured in each class to ensure that the needs of all the children, including the Highly Able and More Able children. For the more able learners in particular, this includes promoting problem solving skills, encouraging them to make wider cross curricular links, looking for patterns and making generalisations, and discussions and challenging of ideas and opinions.
To supplement and enrich this Quality First Teaching and ensure the highly able children are challenged and stretched, we provide and arrange additional opportunities, both within school and in partnership with other schools and organisations to widen their experiences and develop thinking skills so that they continue to sustain a love of learning and fulfil their potential. Some examples include participation in Maths, English and Science workshops facilitated by local Secondary Schools, Art workshops and participation of talented artists in the local schools Art Festival, and a SHINE show for children talented in the Performing Arts.
These opportunities are reviewed regularly and provided on a rolling basis to meet the needs and interest of highly and more able children at particular times.